Integrated Report 2021
Connectivity and Reliability - Bringing People and Business Together
Integrated Report 2021
Connectivity and Reliability - Bringing People and Business Together
Relato Integrado 2021
Conectividade e Confiabilidade - Aproximando pessoas e negócios

Message from Management

For the 16th year in a row, we have published an annual performance report about our operations. In this edition, we took another important step and adopted the guidelines of the Integrated Report, with assurance performed by an independent auditor.

By promoting the integrated thinking, this report encourages us to analyze our current business model from the point of view of the interdependence between the various factors involved in our operation and their contributions to value creation by the Company in the short, medium and long term.

The adoption of the Integrated Report is another milestone in Algar Telecom's strategic evolution. All of our achievements in 2021 are the result of an effort and dedication of our nearly 5,000 associates, the exercise of corporate governance aligned with the highest standards, our commitment to best ESG practices and the assertiveness with which our areas of operations and of innovation, providing the necessary flexibility and boldness, so that we can always remain at the forefront of quality and efficiency in our sector.
complete message
Jean Carlos Borges
Chief Executive Officer
Luiz Alexandre Garcia


de 2021

de Fibra Ótica
Gerenciamos nosso impacto ambiental a partir de uma gestão climática que prevê redução nas emissões de CO2, com uso de energia renovável em nossos processos e operações e gerenciamento adequado de resíduos (coleta, armazenamento e destinação), além da preservação da biodiversidade.
4,6 mil
115,2 mil km
de Fibra Ótica
redução das emissões de CO2e
Garantimos conectividade, priorizando escolas e hospitais no período mais crítico de pandemia, e expandimos nossa rede. Cuidamos de nossos associados e também mantivemos a rede de apoio às comunidades, por meio de parceiros e do Instituto Algar.
4,6 mil
115,2 mil km
de Fibra Ótica
redução das emissões de CO2e
Nosso modelo de governança se mantém em constante evolução e está alinhado às melhores práticas de Governança Corporativa, garantindo a integridade e a ética na condução da gestão, bem como em todas as operações, atividades e relacionamentos com stakeholders internos e externos.
4,6 mil
115,2 mil km
de Fibra Ótica
redução das emissões de CO2e

Pioneer in 5G

We were the first operator to launch, still in December, 5G services in the 2.3 GHz frequency, recently acquired, in three of the main cities of our mobile operation. We won seven lots in the auction of this technology, which was a milestone in Brazil and, thus, we ensured our leading role within our area of ​​operation.
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