Integrated Report 2021
Connectivity and Reliability - Bringing People and Business Together
Integrated Report 2021
Connectivity and Reliability - Bringing People and Business Together
Relato Integrado 2021
Conectividade e Confiabilidade - Aproximando pessoas e negócios
Value Creation

Relationship with Stakeholders

GRI 102-40 | 102-42 | 102-43 | 102- 44

People are at the center of our strategy, and our culture is driven by the true purpose of serving them. Accordingly, we understand the importance of getting to know and engaging all of those with whom we relate.

These stakeholders were identified based on their direct or indirect relationship with and impact (economic, social and environmental) caused by the Company and by the influence they each exert on our activities. Our main stakeholders are as follows:






Regulatory agencies

Industry media


Customers are at the center of every conversation at the Company. Proof of that is the fact that one of our values is “Customer: our reason to exist.” We are always trying to figure out how to provide them with the best product experience, quality and customer service. Our relationship with customers is based on the principles of ethics, responsibility and transparency.

Relationship channels: sales meetings, visits, contacts by e-mail and telephone, the FiGital portal, events and external communications are some of our relationship channels with these stakeholders.

Our associates (as we call our personnel) are one of the strongest pillars supporting Algar Telecom—they are our #gentedefibra [#peopleofcharacter]. We need to constantly advance professional development and equal opportunities in the workplace, ensure training is provided so our associates can do their jobs properly, keep paying fair compensation according to job and performance, and provide a stable, safe and diverse workplace. In addition, it is fundamental for us to listen, keep a permanent communicational channel, be transparent, and report on the development of the business in all material respects.

Relationship channels: corporate social network, e-mail, training, theme-based work groups, joint action and volunteering programs are some of the engagement tools for these stakeholders.

Our suppliers have relationships with all parties and processes at the Company. For this reason, our main concern is to ensure we are competitive and agile in our purchases of products, goods and services, causing no risks of disruptions involving critical supplies, while ensuring they adhere to our Safety, Sustainability and Compliance guidelines.

Relationship channels: forums, training, news releases and suppliers portal.

Partnerships and proximity established to keep the Company’s strategy and messaging in line.

Relationship channels: frequent alignment meetings and visits, events and the Essence program to disseminate the Company’s culture.

Keeping a permanent communication channel to develop honest and constructive relationships, to bolster the Company’s commitment and financial performance, and to create shareholder value.

Relationship channels: letters, questionnaires, meeting, roadshows, calls, website and e-mail.

We keep frequently in touch, with a relationship underpinned by the principles of legality, impersonality, administrative morality, publicity and efficiency. These stakeholders work on the decision-making process involved in regulatory policymaking and on our process of obtaining the authorizations, grants and licenses on which the Company’s business depends.

Relationship channels: strategic, political-institutional and technical meetings, theme-based work groups and events. Action through industry associations.

Keeping our communications and conversations based on transparency and on a commitment to provide true information. To that end, we communicate with media outlets and answer requests for interviews with Algar Telecom executives to provide information on the Company’s business and operations.

Relationship channels: meetings and e-mail.

Engagement to keep corporate governance based on transparency and mutual trust, as well as communication channels based on transparency.

Relationship channels: New releases, Board of Directors, executive committees and meetings.

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